Monday 12 October 2009

The list of questions

1. The use of Dangdut concerts to promote political parties in Indonesia contradicts the image each party portrays to the general public through written media. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
2. A high rate of pollution is caused by public transportation in Indonesia. However, due to the cost, it is very difficult to modify the transportation to be Eco-friendly. What do you suggest the government should do in order to solve this problem?
3. The youth of Indonesia is losing touch with its cultural heritage. Do you agree with this statement? If so, what do you suggest the government should do to solve the problem?
4. Choose 3 pillars from the 10 pillars of LSPR and explain how they can be applied to a person’s everyday life. Use reasons and examples to support your response.
5. “freedom of press threatens the stability of society.” Do you agree of disagree with this statement?
6. What can Indonesia do to increase awareness of Autism?
7. What do you think are the main causes for Women Trafficking in South Asia?
8. What ways can the internation community reduce the instances of chile labour in multi-national factories?
9. People in Indonesia are now reverting to traditional medicine because of the lack of trust in the medical system and doctors in general. What can be done to improve the medical system and change its image?
10. Dynamite and cyanide fishing are still carried out within certain areas if Indonesia. What is the environmental impact on the ecosystem?
11. “due to their fame, an artist is expected to sacrifice a certain amount of personal provacy.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
12. What should be done to improve the quality of the Indonesian education system?

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