Monday 28 September 2009

english communications II

Music is very important because it puts life and excitement into the world. The first way is with creativity. Music allows people to express their creativities in many ways such as melodies and lyrics. Sometimes musicians make songs based on what they feel. The melodies and lyrics show their true feelings, whether they are sad, happy, confused, dilemma, or anything else. People could show their talents, such as playing musical instruments, singing techniques, and arrange a music into one piece of art. With various of melodies, it could enable people to invent many kind of musics, along with the beat and the rhythym. Music is universal, it could be listened and understood by people all over the world, and sometimes delivers a message that contains love, peace, and other issues. Heal The World by Michael Jackson is one of thousands examples of song that contain peace issue. Music could also unite people from different countries without concerns about nations, races, religions issues. Music could be a profession too. People could earn money from being a musician by making albums, making concerts, and so on. Musicians become popular when other like their songs and it makes people knows about the musician. Also, it could gain personal and public achievements such as personal satisfaction and awards.

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