Monday 28 September 2009

improving the indonesian education system

As we all can see, the education situation in Indonesia is constanly reduce its own credibility. Eventhough, the universities and other education institutions have enriched trusts and credibilities by doing some contracts with non-domestic investors to come and invest their fund for Indonesian students. It is a very contradictive part and yet surprising. Thousands of people couldn’t taste the schools’ condition, having school mates, or hanging out in malls. They have to work in order to help their parents looking for food and shelter. On the other hand, also thousands of people who is supposed to consider them as “lucky person”, have a chance to zip the education, flew over the world, to study in some countries such as USA, Australia, Singapore, France, China, and so on. What a sad part, is it? Most of the students said that the education system in Indonesia is not as good as other countries’.
So, is the Indonesian education system really that bad? Apparently not, many students who have graduated years ago, could have the same, or even higher position in a company instead of people who enrolled in other countries’ colleges or institutions. Why? Maybe the answer is in the teachers. Teachers are assumed and expected to be the students’ second parents when they are in school. In that case, there is another bond that tide the students with their teachers. In this modern century, the conventional and dictator styles are not the most popular as they were. Teachers must come to students with psychological and mentally affairs that might be interesting to them. And also, teachers must have a Bachelor Degree or other appropriate Degree to support their knowledge in giving it out to students. Government could also has a role, government could presents a fun training for teachers all over areas, including outbounds or ret-reats. That part is also supported by a different and modern teaching method, which is the democratic method. It could be combined with other methods as long as the students need them.
Schools and education institutions must refer to their curriculum as a basis. Usually the students evaluation came back to the schools’ curriculum and whether it could matched the lessons with children’s ages. Normally the schools do an evaluation to know their students’ abilitites in order to put them in the matched classes. Teachers and other elements could encourage the students to jpin the competition which the students could have a personal gains such as responsibility, patient, critical, and competitive.
The rules have an important role in doing some character searching among the students. They began to ask themself why did they were born with this shape? Or why did she not get the same hair colour as her brother’s got? Those questions will be answered along with their brain development, to realise that there are goods and bads. Being discipline will help them walking through the path, as they have themselves in making decisions. Some common rules in education institutions are, short hair for men, and to use an appropriate wardrobes, with clean and neat appearances. If we all could applied those factors, the Indonesian students will have another image of institutions, gain trusts and confidence. Although, the main factor will be depending on the students’ will and also their nationalism among people.

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